Saturday, December 1, 2018

Cecily Edithe - One Month

She is ONE MONTH! 
Weight - 8lb 5.9 oz (24th percentile)
Height - 21.25" (56th percentile)

We were a bit concerned about her weight at the 2 week check-up but she jumped over a pound in two weeks so now she seems to be doing much better.
She is a good nurser and sometimes takes the pacifier but only during the day.
She sleeps like this every. single. night. 
12:15 (midnight) even though I start trying to put her down at 9:30ish
Up at 2:30 
Up at 5:30 
Up for a few hours then likes to sleep while I homeschool in the morning which is wonderful but.....
wowza its hard going back to newborn sleep patterns!

LOVES the KTan which they all have but after carrying Cabella in her cast this way for 14 weeks
I must admit I am a bit worn out from baby wearing. 

How CUTE!! Little outfits are finally starting to fit her.
PS Everyone I see says .... WOW she looks like your husband.
Yep....they all do ... at least at the beginning. 

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