Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Homeschool Coop Again

We took a few weeks off from life to stay home and not get any germs.
I had forewarned all the kids that when Cecily arrived we would be at home for a few weeks with no plans. Amazingly enough they did not complain and I never heard them say they were bored. 
We attempted our homeschooling coop with Aunt Woody volunteering to come along to help which was great plus she got to see the kids play with crayfish as their science project. 
We have two more weeks then we will be off till mid January which I am looking forward to! 

Everyone did great but all were tired including me afterwards! 

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Back to it! Co-op

We are back at the school routine! We are blessed to be going back to co-op! I am teaching Logic and Science this year. No pictures of Logic...