Monday, December 24, 2018

Holiday Visit - Kelly & Reni

 Christmas with Pappy & Bubbe (Levi's dad and Step Mother)

Our Pappy has been BUSY!

Levi's dad - Kelly started a new job over the summer and we have not seen much of him which has been hard on our little crew. 

We did not know if we were going to see them over the holiday, but it worked out on short notice perfectly. 

We ended up taking Cecily to church on Sunday 
(I have only been back to church twice since she has been born - mostly to keep us safe from germs this time of year.)
They were there and asked to stop by and give the kids their gifts. 
I had kept our schedule pretty low key this year due to wanting to enjoy my newborn and we were free to visit!

Glad they got to stop in to see all of us and hopefully they can have a slower New Year and enjoy their grandchildren a little more in 2019.

** More photos/post to come soon of all our visits/adventures but a little someone needs my attention.

Reni with Coraline

Pappy & Bella

Cecily Edithe

1st time holding! Pappy & Cecily 

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