Saturday, December 1, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018/Catch Up

Thanksgiving was a bit different this year we stayed home to avoid any germs and relax. 
I made pies and Levi made beef & noodles with the kids. 
It was nice to have no agenda especially because half of us including myself were sick with a head cold. 

The Girls! Just sitting enjoying morning time of reading/playing together. 

Craft Time - Little Thanksgiving Pottery

This was mine - I told Levi I attempted but maybe he should do the paint classes.....

Then Cora took mine and finished coloring it...

The Little Girls

Making Pies with this rascal....who is also a partial nudist these days

Clairana went deer watching with Levi 

Making noodles with Dad

We also took all our pumpkins and saved the seeds for next year.
It was a PROJECT. 

Clairana was the only one that hung in the whole time helping do every last one. 

Two Little Tiny Ones

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