Sunday, December 9, 2018

Life without Levi ....

Levi left us to travel to Washington in hopes of selling our Washington rental house. 
Fingers Crossed.
Lots of Prayers.
It would be such a blessing not to be a landlord from so far away.

Anyways, we survived but I did have lots of little helpers who were very sad their dad was gone but were really helpful. 

Managing farm animals and lots of little people without breaks is hard. 
My parents came by one night so I could shower and not hold the baby for a few minutes and Aunt Woody came with us to CC so we were still able to get out of the house and see friends. 

Levi worked all day and night long to clean up the mess the renters left for us, his parents were SO helpful and he could not have gotten it all done in a week without them!

Playdoh Time

We got all our pumpkin seeds dried out and ready for Spring!

Car Ride to Art Lessons

Kids made Taco Wontons for Dinner one night
Levi is almost always the dinner time cook around the house. Honestly after feeding them breakfast and lunch I am over cooking and well the kids all hang all over me when I try to cook.
So we had some easy meals while he was away...we all were ready for him to come back and make amazing food again. 

Peppermint Sugar Scrub Project for all the CC tutors!

Farmlife in the FREEZING COLD


When did she grow up!?

Best Big Brother EVER. Pushing Bella on the Snow Shovel - he did this three days in a row while Levi was gone and it was a nice break from tending the 2 year old. 

I don't let the kids hold Cecily unless they are sitting but a few times this past week I did give in and let them hold her in my room on the carpet. She is much happier when someone is walking with her.
Nephi and Clairana of course LOVED it. 

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