Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Nephi's is SEVEN!

It is hard to believe that this little man is SEVEN.
Crazy to think of his birth and how big he was when he arrived into this world. 

We were ovely excited to have Levi home and have Nephi's celebration.
We went to Mary Lou donuts before Levi headed off to work. 
Then we met Levi for lunch at Nephi's choice - Pizza Hut buffet.
Then ended the day with friends and cousins at the Trampoline Park. 

Brandy & Amanda (my girlfriends from forever who both have LOTS of BOYS)
**Amanda is expecting for their NUMBER FIVE so we will see if its a GIRL next week! 


The best I could get of these two wild children! 

Coraline with Jaxen



Hurricane Machine!

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