Monday, December 11, 2017

Nephi's Birthday Party!

 We had a DONUT party! Lots of donuts from Mary Lou Donuts and of course MILK.
We had lots of fun and lots of little people!

Cousin Madi and Abbi -
So Sweet to Always Come.
Madi took the fancy photos and sent them to me. THANK YOU!

Nephi invited one church family and this was who he chose. The Johansen family they have 3 girls 1 boy and are here while their dad gets his PhD from Purdue. 

Party Time!

Clairana with Uncle Greg and Aunt Woody!
In background, my girlfriend Brandy and her husband Jesse who have two boys.

Grandpa Rick showing how to use the new Nerf guns!


Aunt Woody got him a HUGE dinosaur. He is in LOVE.

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