Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas from the Evans' Crew!

We took family photos on the Evans' land - our Forever Home. 
We LOVE being Final and Forever Here. 
Many Years and Many Memories to Come.
Merry Christmas!!

Beastie is SMILING! She is looking so much more like a little girl and not a toddler. She is my little German.
She has the attitude and blonde hair/blue eyes to prove it. 

Our forever tiny one. Full of Love. Always.
Snuggle Buddy. Artist. 

He is so beautiful. Brown eyes and Blond hair. He is going to make an awesome missionary and husband one day.

I sure love this man. And all these little people he made. 

I had to post this one....its my life. I am falling/sinking down in the sand from all the little people hanging on me, C is overly excited about anything, Cora is grouchy, Bella is laughing, and Nephi is tickling Bella's feet. Real. Life.

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