Saturday, December 30, 2017

More Christmas Cards

VanderJagt Family - We met while in Lake Havasu they had an amazing home with a pool on the mountain which took our breath away!
JJ owns his own cabinetry business in Vegas and Maria homeschools their children. They actually are on the road now - they leave in their schoolie every few years and go on year long roadtrips.
They were very sweet to us and we enjoyed learning all about their adventures and their adoption stories. 

Jensen Family - we met while living in Washington and now their baby boy got married in the temple! 

DeMent Family - Levi worked with Cory while in Washington and we met during our no kid party days...then we had our first around the same time. They have three boys and one girl and are so very sweet. I hope one day we can meet again and have all our littles play together. 

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