Friday, December 29, 2017

BEST OF 2017

Favorite Memories of 2017. 

No Particular Order.... 
Travel to Salt Lake City, Disneyland, and then the Roadtrip to Indiana.
Highlights: The blessing of buying Woody's house next to Levi's grandparents.
Coraline's broken thumb from the church podium
Cabella's Hips
Nephi learning to Read. Starting Kindergarten (at home)
Clairana - Piano and Reading Chapter Books
Leaving Friends and Gaining New.
Church. New Callings. 
Cousin Time.
Reading. Lots of Reading.
Gator Rides.
Motorcycle Rides with Papaw 
Juice Boxes/Popsicles with Mamaw
Exploration Acres with Aunt Woody
Big Log - Kitchen Table 
Piano Recital. 
11 Years - Back to our Engagement Place
Birthday Parties.
Homeschooling. KLASS (field trip homeschooling group)
TBird. New Truck.
Warrior Dash.
Hot Tub.
Cemetery Visits.
Art Lessons.

Smith Family! Rekindling Friendships in Indiana!


Picking Pappy Up for the Indiana Road Trip - Saying Bye to Our AZ Loves. Legoland.

HIP CHECK UP!!! Perfect. Best. Blessing. This Year. 

Saddest Moment. Broken Thumb turned Mess. Poor Little Lady.

Indiana Adventures with Cousins! Children's Museum. 


Havasu Friends - We do MISS them greatly! 

Havasu Girls. 

Our View in AZ! Levi's drive to work around the Lake. 

Seeing Landon!

SALT LAKE CITY - Has My Heart. 

Family Time at Purdue!

Babies with Mamaw - Crazy how fast they have all changed from when we first arrived in Indiana. 

PJ Party - Bella is ONE. 

My Favorite Picture of these TWO. Easter in AZ. 

Warrior Dash with my Dad

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