Friday, December 29, 2017

Cookies with Grandma

My mom has had this tradition of making candy and cookies for several years - although the ones who show up to help changes....used to be my baby brother now it has moved on to little people. 

When I was pregnant with Clairana (our now 7 year old) 
my mom got the news that she had a brain tumor. 
Surgery. Chemo. Radiation. 
She is now in remission.
My mother has lost both of her sisters, I completely cherish these moments and am very grateful that my children get to know her.
7 years later and she is still with us and her four kids have now blessed her with 8 grand-babies. 
With more to come I am sure. 
Praise the Lord. 

If you have not tried a Rolo on a Pretzel. Its mine and Levi's Fav. Super Easy for little hands! 

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