Monday, December 4, 2017

Home Depot Craft

Saturday after Thanksgiving, Coraline got sick with the stomach flu so this was our only adventure for a few days. Craft time at Home Depot. 
I had registered for them to do the Christmas craft but they gave ours to someone else ..... 
no comment.
Anyways, we made pencil holders and a toolbox. 

** Note we did this the following week as well and the same thing happened. 
I don't know if loading up four kids to do a craft at Home Depot is worth the effort. 


This is how I manage crafts in public. 

My SIL got this baby carrier for Coraline last year and it is still a HUGE hit. 

Of course we had to bring the twins. Because managing four plus toys is always more fun.

Pencil Box. I think we are all exhausted from the parties. 

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