Thursday, December 7, 2017

Cabella Lou

We took Cabella Lou for her well child visit. 
Weight - 27 lb 8 oz (97th percentile)
Height - 33" (95th percentile)
BMI - 17.75 (90th percentile)

She is just big all around but the pediatrician says she is healthy and her height matches her weight so she appears balanced. 

Says - Mama, Zona, Clairana, Cheese, Ball, Up, Please, Daddy, More, Bye, I Love You and I am sure a few more I forgot...

Favorites - Gator rides, Meat, Milk, Cheese, Levi during the day, Only me at night, Nephi, Dancing, Outside
Dislikes - Hats, headbands, hair ties, Levi telling her No, Coraline's hugs or choke holds

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