Saturday, December 30, 2017

More Christmas Cards

VanderJagt Family - We met while in Lake Havasu they had an amazing home with a pool on the mountain which took our breath away!
JJ owns his own cabinetry business in Vegas and Maria homeschools their children. They actually are on the road now - they leave in their schoolie every few years and go on year long roadtrips.
They were very sweet to us and we enjoyed learning all about their adventures and their adoption stories. 

Jensen Family - we met while living in Washington and now their baby boy got married in the temple! 

DeMent Family - Levi worked with Cory while in Washington and we met during our no kid party days...then we had our first around the same time. They have three boys and one girl and are so very sweet. I hope one day we can meet again and have all our littles play together. 

Stomach Flu..

 While at the Christmas party Cabella threw up on Levi ... then we left. Then life got crazy. 
Bella stomach flu, then Clairana (who mind you takes after me and does not know how to hit a bowl/bucket/toilet) Coraline, Nephi, then Me and last Levi. 
It was miserable. 
Tons and Tons of laundry and Vomit. 
Makes us realize how blessed we are to be healthy and makes me very thankful for my own health/energy to tend everyone on the daily! 

Kitchen Party!

Boiling Toothbrushes!

Pre Church Christmas Party

Levi was put in charge of creating a ticket booth for the Christmas party - like in his craftsman fashion ... it was amazing! 
I don't have any completed photos because he set -up before we arrived and of course when we arrived it was chaos of excitement. 

Top Portion for the Booth! 

Friday, December 29, 2017

Cookies with Grandma

My mom has had this tradition of making candy and cookies for several years - although the ones who show up to help changes....used to be my baby brother now it has moved on to little people. 

When I was pregnant with Clairana (our now 7 year old) 
my mom got the news that she had a brain tumor. 
Surgery. Chemo. Radiation. 
She is now in remission.
My mother has lost both of her sisters, I completely cherish these moments and am very grateful that my children get to know her.
7 years later and she is still with us and her four kids have now blessed her with 8 grand-babies. 
With more to come I am sure. 
Praise the Lord. 

If you have not tried a Rolo on a Pretzel. Its mine and Levi's Fav. Super Easy for little hands! 

BEST OF 2017

Favorite Memories of 2017. 

No Particular Order.... 
Travel to Salt Lake City, Disneyland, and then the Roadtrip to Indiana.
Highlights: The blessing of buying Woody's house next to Levi's grandparents.
Coraline's broken thumb from the church podium
Cabella's Hips
Nephi learning to Read. Starting Kindergarten (at home)
Clairana - Piano and Reading Chapter Books
Leaving Friends and Gaining New.
Church. New Callings. 
Cousin Time.
Reading. Lots of Reading.
Gator Rides.
Motorcycle Rides with Papaw 
Juice Boxes/Popsicles with Mamaw
Exploration Acres with Aunt Woody
Big Log - Kitchen Table 
Piano Recital. 
11 Years - Back to our Engagement Place
Birthday Parties.
Homeschooling. KLASS (field trip homeschooling group)
TBird. New Truck.
Warrior Dash.
Hot Tub.
Cemetery Visits.
Art Lessons.

Smith Family! Rekindling Friendships in Indiana!


Picking Pappy Up for the Indiana Road Trip - Saying Bye to Our AZ Loves. Legoland.

HIP CHECK UP!!! Perfect. Best. Blessing. This Year. 

Saddest Moment. Broken Thumb turned Mess. Poor Little Lady.

Indiana Adventures with Cousins! Children's Museum. 


Havasu Friends - We do MISS them greatly! 

Havasu Girls. 

Our View in AZ! Levi's drive to work around the Lake. 

Seeing Landon!

SALT LAKE CITY - Has My Heart. 

Family Time at Purdue!

Babies with Mamaw - Crazy how fast they have all changed from when we first arrived in Indiana. 

PJ Party - Bella is ONE. 

My Favorite Picture of these TWO. Easter in AZ. 

Warrior Dash with my Dad

Live Nativity Walk

Each year, Faith (large church in the area) does a live nativity which we went to with Mom and Randy. 

Little Christmas Trees

From a few weeks, little Christmas trees for each little person to plant after Christmas. 

Candy Store!

We took a homeschooling trip to Mccord's candy and got to make candy canes!
It was walking distance from Levi's work so he got to join us. 
Can I mention how AMAZING it is to have my husband work in the same town again. 

Bella was not thrilled with the candy making - she just wanted to eat all the choking hazards!

Owner pulling the sugar 

Bella was too loud for the presentation so we walked around and found this lady in a closet size room making amazing looking turtles. See that big tank it was pouring out chocolate. 

Best Seat in the House

Candy Canes!

If you are going to leave out your recipe book of all the secrets - I shall take a picture of it. 


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...