Monday, December 31, 2018

Nephi's First Chapter Book!

Nephi completed his FIRST full chapter book - 140 pages! 

For his reward (we set a prize for the first official chapter book and then they understand that the ones to come will be less expensive) he chose a camera - a digital one which also does videos.
He was SUPER excited. 
I am SUPER excited. 
Homeschooling life becomes slightly easier once they can read on their own.  

I keep telling Levi that I have taught two to read now it is his turn. 
We Shall See....

Water Feature Turned Sandbox Turned......

We have a beautiful water feature/pond in our backyard and it has been an ongoing debate in our house. We were always trying to think of ways to keep the pond but make it less dangerous for the little girls. 
This week Levi took some time off work and I asked for him to please let us fill it in. 
He had added a zipline to our backyard that now went right over the pond. 

Although I will miss being able to sit next to it and listen to the frogs, I am excited to have less anxiety over someone accidentally falling in.

Next step possibly making it a splash pad but no final decision just yet.

We did get to rescue some of the tadpoles of course Clairana was out there making sure all were saved. 

Of course it was raining when it was called in so they couldn't make it to the pond so we had a new project to move it. Although having a tractor is so helpful in all our projects!
Wish we would have bought one a few houses ago!

Newborn Life.
Thankfully, it has been okay weather this winter so far and we have all been able to get out a little everyday.

Cabella's new jumping spot. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Holiday Visit - Kelly & Reni

 Christmas with Pappy & Bubbe (Levi's dad and Step Mother)

Our Pappy has been BUSY!

Levi's dad - Kelly started a new job over the summer and we have not seen much of him which has been hard on our little crew. 

We did not know if we were going to see them over the holiday, but it worked out on short notice perfectly. 

We ended up taking Cecily to church on Sunday 
(I have only been back to church twice since she has been born - mostly to keep us safe from germs this time of year.)
They were there and asked to stop by and give the kids their gifts. 
I had kept our schedule pretty low key this year due to wanting to enjoy my newborn and we were free to visit!

Glad they got to stop in to see all of us and hopefully they can have a slower New Year and enjoy their grandchildren a little more in 2019.

** More photos/post to come soon of all our visits/adventures but a little someone needs my attention.

Reni with Coraline

Pappy & Bella

Cecily Edithe

1st time holding! Pappy & Cecily 

Friday, December 21, 2018

Book Club - Prairie Thief

This past month was The Prairie Thief. 
I have to say when we got together to pick these books last year,
 I never thought they would all be SO good! 

This one actually kept Nephi's attention the most - he kept begging for me to keep reading. 
Even though the main characters were both girls. 
I LOVED it. 
It starts out a little slow/hard to understand for really little ones but with a little explaining 
it became magical. 
Seriously magical. 
With a Brownie (which is the name for a gnome from Scotland.) 

We went over to another family's house this month and had tea and an adorable craft. 
We are hosting for December and I CANNOT wait! 
The Christmas Doll. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Nephi's is SEVEN!

It is hard to believe that this little man is SEVEN.
Crazy to think of his birth and how big he was when he arrived into this world. 

We were ovely excited to have Levi home and have Nephi's celebration.
We went to Mary Lou donuts before Levi headed off to work. 
Then we met Levi for lunch at Nephi's choice - Pizza Hut buffet.
Then ended the day with friends and cousins at the Trampoline Park. 

Brandy & Amanda (my girlfriends from forever who both have LOTS of BOYS)
**Amanda is expecting for their NUMBER FIVE so we will see if its a GIRL next week! 


The best I could get of these two wild children! 

Coraline with Jaxen



Hurricane Machine!

Cecily Edithe

Everyone in the house is falling more and more in LOVE. 

Around the House.....

Quiche for 2nd Breakfast - these homeschoolers have a rough life sometimes!

Clairana got Black Beauty from her grandparents for a early Christmas gift and I also found her the audio version at the library so she has been reading and rereading it.

I am very happy she likes to reach 'old fashion' real solid literature rather than all the other 'new' options available.  

Always the crafts....

Elfy playing WAR with Barbie

McCord's Candy Tour

 We went with our homeschooling group and did the annual Christmas tradition of making candy canes at the local candy store. 

I was impressed that they told us a candy cane story that actually ended up being about Christ which I was curious if they tell that same story to all the school field trips.

Just the BIG Kids! 

She seems like such a breeze these days. I love 4 year olds - they are so funny and sweet. 

Stretching to get the air bubbles out and turning the sugar to a bright white color. 

Can you find Clairana and Nephi - they are so comfortable with all the CC families that they didn't need to be by me. It is really nice that they feel safe and excited to spend time with these families.