Saturday, September 11, 2021

Water Testing

Yesterday, we did our annual service of loading up and testing water around different parts of the county for nitrates, E.coli, nitrites, temperature, clarity, and phosphates. 
We enjoyed it and we got a new map this year so our locations were places we had never been. 
We even ended up in Green Hill which is a tiny town we had never been to before. 

They always give us lots of granola like bars to choose from as a special thank you. 

Clairana took the lead as writer this year. Nephi wanted to wear our waders the whole time but the water in most of our locations was pretty shallow.

Pictures never do justice of how beautiful this place is. After living in the desert I will always love the green. I really missed it when I would see pictures of land at home while we were away. 


This one was too steep for the little girls so we watched from the bridge. 
Afterwards we went to Monical's to celebrate. 


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