Thursday, September 23, 2021

Coraline is SEVEN

For Coraline's birthday we let her choose her day -
Soccer (thankfully seems we were already scheduled for this)
Creek Time
Pet Store to Pet all the Cats
Buy Cat Toys, Cat Bowls, Cat Leash, Cat Treats, Cat Collars....
Shopping (we left Cecily with dad) she picked out roller skates and a sparkly jacket and a new movie
Movie Night with Ice Cream Sundaes and Popcorn

All Things Cats. 

Soccer! She did so well and the coaches had both teams come on the field to sing Happy Birthday to her. So Sweet! We also all got Kona Ice (flavored shaved ice) at the field to celebrate. 

Even Hot Fudge Syrup and Whip Cream!

Sparkly Jacket and New Clothes from Mamaw

She was visited by Mamaw and Papaw. 
Pappy came to watch her game and brought treats. 
Mom and Randy took her out for a date night of Mexican food and shopping. 
Grandpa Rick and Aunt Rene stopped by with fun presents. 
Brother & Sister Allen - Coraline's teachers at church came by with a toy and 2 dozen cupcakes to celebrate. 
Presents and money in the mail from family. 
She had a great Number Seven!

Favorite Food: Biscuits and Gravy, Dad's Tomato Soup, and all of dad's food that he makes. 

Favorite Color: Pink. Always. Pink.

Favorite Thing to Do: Play with my friends and family and my cats

Want to be when you grow up: Veterinarian and a mom with five kids 2 boys and 3 girls

Favorite Animal: Cat, Dog, Flamingo

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