Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Mission Money

We have been passing out eggs at church when the Connolly family suggested we accept money and put it towards a mission fund....so we did! 

In LDS church, boys are allowed to serve a mission after they graduate high school and are at least 18 years old. Girls can serve a mission when they are 19 years old. 
They submit their application/paperwork to the leaders of the church who then decide where the missionary will serve. It is always an exciting time when the soon to be missionary gets to open his/her letter with everyone to reveal where they are going and when they leave. 
The missions are all volunteer and you are not required to go on a mission. 
Missions last 2 years for boys and 18 months for girls. 
A girlfriend of mine who served a mission said looking back it was such a gift to have this time to study the scriptures and to not have any distractions from the world or even motherhood, marriage - it was just about strengthening your own testimony of Christ. 
Missionaries share the gospel as well as provide service in all aspects. It is important for the missionary to be in healthy and must be able to walk 6 miles a day or bike 12 miles a day. They also will have a constant companion who they will do scripture study with and live with. These may and almost always do change throughout the mission. 
A mission costs $500 per month - $9,000-$12,000. 

We will see who goes on a mission in the Evans' house! And where they go! 


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