Saturday, September 11, 2021

Gather & Learn Day!

We made it through Week 4! 
I cannot honestly believe how smooth it is going and I hope not to jinx myself because I love it so much.

Kelli did an art lesson on shades and shadows and then passed out ice cream and fruit to the kids it was super fun and I was amazed at how well they looked. 

Science! We used microscopes and talk about the two different types of cells. 
It was awesome. We saw kombucha, yogurt, and onion cells. I had never researched cells so much or honestly used a microscope so much and it has been fun. 

Did you know that Robert Hooke, an English scientist, was looking at cork under the microscope and and said it resembled cells or rooms in the monastery and therefore gave the name "cells"!  

Levi's grandparents gave us a book called Hunting with the Microscope By Gaylord Johnson and it has been so helpful.


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