Monday, September 20, 2021

Pond Play Date!

 Mamaw and Papaw let us enjoy the pond one last time for the year! 

We have LOVED the pond this year and have spent so many playdates there. 

We had a break from our co-op so we had a playdate with one extra family last week. 

The weather was lovely and we had all sorts of treats.

Levi even came home and loaded us up for a hay wagon ride to the pond and back. 

Millie and Anna having lifeguard duty. 
(Anna has two boys that are 11 and 13 which was a fun add to the group)

Trying to push Luke off the dock.

Dennise made cookies and Mamaw left us popsicles. 

Watermelon Time! 
I should have brought more it was gone quick!

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