Thursday, September 23, 2021

Plant Cell Project

This week for Science we created Plant Cells!
It was messy fun and we learned a cell rap which I may have memorized and danced to.

Plastic Bags - Cell Membrane
Twizzler - Cell Wall
Dried Beans - Chloroplasts
Grape - Nucleus
Jello - Cytoplasm
Pineapple - Vaculoe 
Raisins - Mitochondria 

I didn't take any pictures but these are from Millie and Kelli. 

Jeremy and his developing cell.

Passing out Cytoplasm 

Bella was not impressed with the gooeyness.

Coraline and Jeremy - I paired up an older child to help a younger child and it worked out great. 

 So Much Fun. We will do Animal Cells next week and Dennise is making massive cookies and then we will decorate them with all the parts of an Animal Cell. 


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