Thursday, September 30, 2021

Co-op Day!

Yesterday was our favorite day of the week! 
This week Kelli taught art which was about botanist Carl Linnaeus and how he noticed small differences in plants.  
She had them look at different pictures and recreate flowers and leaves in clay. 
Afterwards, they painted their projects. It was such a hit. 
Thanks to the other mamas I have pictures to share!

Henry and I in memory work - If they could recite their multiplication tables for the 12s they could put a sticker on my face. 

Afternoon writing class - Clairana giving her presentation on retelling a narrative story. 

Mayley and Coraline

Henry, Adam, Coraline, Mayley 
(Kelli helped Adam make an amazing flower... I can't remember the name of it)

Audrey and Bella painting. 

Clay Recreations! 

For Science we did another week of cells - this week I taught about Animal Cells.
We created a massive cookie and placed candies to describe the different parts of the cell.
Dennise made the large cookie and it was amazing. 
Audrey is allergic to eggs so she made her a few cookies and we decorated that one as well. 
+We also talked about different animals and I read to them the history of the elephant. 

Leaf Prints with Clay

Cookie Time!

After we headed out to the parking lot Pappy surprised us and showed up to see if we wanted a late afternoon snack - he treated us to Dog N Suds. 
It was such a nice surprise to spend time with him. 

Some of the littlest co-opers. Cecily & Jane
Jane and Nephi. SO CUTE!!

Science Time.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Soccer is Complete!

Soccer Season is Complete!
**More pictures to come but I was in charge of photos for C & Coraline's Team. 

Coraline's Team!

Her coaches were SO great! O'Shaughnessey and Asay

Bubbe came to watch the games.

My soccer sister - hanging out every week in the chaos. Ms. Anne. 

Another Soccer Sister - Lauren - we both had four kids on four teams and a baby to tote along. 
Nathan her husband coached Bella's team and Asst to Levi on Nephi's Team

Neulieb baby! 

Clairana's Team!

Coach Asay and Coach Dad!


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Dentist & Jovano

Last week was a bit of a blur. We hosted everyone at the pond and then the next day we were off to the dentist in Indianapolis. I love going there because I take all five at the same time. 
Afterwards, we went to Costco and headed for home. 
When we were on 65 we saw a wreck and as we were driving by I noticed the dad who we knew from church. I did an emergency turn around on the interstate in my big van which felt super scary and ended up pulling over on the side of the road by their vehicle. Lucy who is 20 weeks pregnant was taken by ambulance and we took Jovano with us. He stay with us while his parents were at the hospital. Everyone is back together and home now and besides cuts and bruises all is well. 
It was perfect timing that we could be there and could take him and that he was completely unharmed. Thankfully, we know their family well so he was not scared to go with us. He actually was very excited.
Poor little guy just kept repeating what happened to us over and over again. 

People always look at us strange when we go to Costco - probably because we only go once a month or every six weeks so we fill two carts completely. Probably because we take all our kids and its during the day. We also get pizza or ham and cheese rolls from the restaurant and have the kids eat it in the parking lot picnic style while we load up. We have such a routine that we all enjoy it.  


Plant Cell Project

This week for Science we created Plant Cells!
It was messy fun and we learned a cell rap which I may have memorized and danced to.

Plastic Bags - Cell Membrane
Twizzler - Cell Wall
Dried Beans - Chloroplasts
Grape - Nucleus
Jello - Cytoplasm
Pineapple - Vaculoe 
Raisins - Mitochondria 

I didn't take any pictures but these are from Millie and Kelli. 

Jeremy and his developing cell.

Passing out Cytoplasm 

Bella was not impressed with the gooeyness.

Coraline and Jeremy - I paired up an older child to help a younger child and it worked out great. 

 So Much Fun. We will do Animal Cells next week and Dennise is making massive cookies and then we will decorate them with all the parts of an Animal Cell.