Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mom’s Night In

On Friday night I hosted all our homeschooling coop mamas at our house. 
It was SO much fun and lasted all night....maybe into the wee hours of morning. 
These are the families we get together with each week and have for years now.
Everyone brought snacks to share and we did a Yankee Swap - basically everyone brought their favorite thing as a gift and we answered questions to pick one from the pile. 

Such a fun night. I love our homeschooling tribe we are all so very close. 

Anne took pictures - thank goodness! 

Anne and I taking a selfie!
I love her so much. They just welcomed number six so her little one came along to be loved on by all.

Dennise, Denae, Alyssa, and Erin

Erin, Millie, Lauren, April, Tiffany


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Back to it! Co-op

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