Monday, February 8, 2021

Homeschooling Week.

This past week we learned about Andrew Wyeth and painted a winter scene.
Cabella LOVES to draw and paint. She LOVES writing letters and numbers all day long. 

Lyla and Cecily. Lyla has been a bestie to so many little people in our house. 

We all love her so much.

My Class Being Silly. We did much smaller classes this year due to the pandemic and comfort levels but it has been a blessing to enjoy them on such an special level.

Mrs. Mitchell, who is in my classroom every week, is expecting number four and 
I have grown such a bond with her over the past two years. 

This week we tested for starch with iodine. It was a huge hit and slightly gross to see food change to black so quickly.

Mrs. Huggett - she was a CC director in a different state and was the only new family that we accepted this past year. She is a military family and they wont be here for too long but it has been so nice having another CC veteran around. 

Every week Mrs. Huggett does a drawing with tickets to earn a free The Who Was series book. The kids have to memorize the history sentence for the week and recite it to her. 

Nephi's Class!

Clairana's Class with Mrs. Worster. Lauren is a mama of five and has lived in the area her whole life. Her husband is a therapist and also teaches at CC. 

Stretching while reciting John from the Bible in Latin.

I love all these girls - we have had all their families over to our house and it is so nice to have such great connections for our children. 
Mrs. Mitchell with Cecily and her littlest (for a little longer) Nora. 

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