Sunday, February 21, 2021

Girl's Room!

We are about two days away from the girls moving in! We are all very excited. I moved all their clothes in and Nephi helped me move their dresser today. Levi made the corner L shaped beds which turned out amazing - I am so glad we didn't end of buying beds. After looking at the store we were just disappointed with the quality of furniture. 
Final pictures coming soon! 

Levi took pictures of them all painting the underneath portion of the beds. 

We added more white after we painted the mauve color to make the bricks stand out. 

We all went to the store to decide on a fabric. Levi and Clairana decided on the winner. 


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New Adventure

Levi came home with this last week which as you can imagine everyone even Zona was excited to try it out. Now for warmer weather!