Sunday, February 28, 2021

Random Life

Nephi's Drawing - he is probably the least likely one to draw in our house so I always try to savor his drawings.

Levi's mom sent a cowboy hat and every time I turn around someone is wearing it. 
Also, I love Clairana's fashion.

We went to Target to shop for new shoes and bedroom sheets. 
Vacation is coming soon!

Cabella always wearing her glasses and cooking. 

Breakfast at Ripple to meet Levi and celebrate our anniversary. 

 Today our electricity was out all day due to a huge tree which blocked the when I found our new to us book in the mail it was perfect time to jump in. 

Daddy Daughter Dance - CC

We went to the daddy daughter dance! 
I went early to do decorations and then stayed to take more photos than I probably ever have. 
Clairana and Cabella had the best time. 
Coraline was overwhelmed by all of it so she was upset the whole time. Levi and I have never seen her this way before so we were both taken back. Cecily and Nephi stayed with the Goodsell family. 

One of the other mamas snuck in our photo before the night started.

They had a fingernail painting table. 

Clairana and Brighten

Lucy, Audrey, Bella, Brighten, Clairana, & Grace

Goodsell family!

Silly Faces!

Right before we left she wanted her picture taken. 

Coraline with Levi

Cabella dancing the night away with Brother Goodsell

Bella said this was the best day of her life so far. 

Bella and Levi 
Coraline didn't want to dance and Clairana was off most of the night dancing away with her girlfriends. 

These ladies helped make the night happen. I had them help me test out my non professional photography skills. 

Necklace making table!


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Emotional Week/Journal Entry

This week has had lots of highs and lows and I am tired. I have had a migraine for about a week now which is not like me so my tolerance is very low. We moved the girls into their beautiful new room which meant cleaning out two other bedrooms and organizing for days - it made me think of all the times we moved and I feel like I am getting too old for that now or maybe have too many little people. My girlfriend is getting ready to move this summer with her six and it made me have so many prayers and sympathy for her. Also, it has been a full on sorority party every night trying to get people to sleep and be on the same schedule. Although they have already had so much fun together. 

This week the roof in the restaurant leaked all over and then the smoker blew up while the restaurant was full of people. Ukk. No one was hurt and they all were taken over to have free dinner across the street at East End. Lots of fire trucks. 

One of Nephi's primary teachers at church lost his wife to Covid this week. This is probably the closest death from covid we have encountered. At this point, we have known several families who have had it and managed. Right now Levi invited him over to shoot mussel loaders with him. I opened the door and burst into tears. I have experienced death so much and so it is a very comfortable conversation in our house but to lose a spouse without being able to be with them because of regulations while they pass has to be a whole different level. He already had Covid - isn't he immune? Do you think he cares at this point if he gets it? Ukk. So many emotions including frustration and even anger. 

Yesterday, Levi and I went on a date for the first time in one year - Woody watched the kids this day last year and we went to the temple. This year the temple is closed. Its our temple anniversary of 10 years. Our friends from church offered to watch everyone and it was amazing. I remember a time when I would never leave my babies to go on a date but now that I homeschool everyone and I am with them all day everyday I miss dates with just Levi. It was great. We went to East End for dinner and Ripple for dessert than we got Starbucks and sat by the river next to our old house in West Lafayette. 


Tonight we are having a CC father-daughter dance and I probably overly committed myself to decorate and take photos but I know the girls will love it so much. I am thankful for all the people who put their efforts into making it happen especially this year. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Last weekend we went over to Woody and Greg's house - Woody was so wonderful and offered to make Clairana's Sacagawea costume for her upcoming presentation - Faces of History. 
She will be presenting her paper in April.

We were FaceTiming and I snapped this picture to show Levi how lovely it is turning out!

Then we had pie crust and strawberries to celebrate the outfit being completed! 

We enjoy visiting with them so much and I always learn something. 


Girl's Room!

We are about two days away from the girls moving in! We are all very excited. I moved all their clothes in and Nephi helped me move their dresser today. Levi made the corner L shaped beds which turned out amazing - I am so glad we didn't end of buying beds. After looking at the store we were just disappointed with the quality of furniture. 
Final pictures coming soon! 

Levi took pictures of them all painting the underneath portion of the beds. 

We added more white after we painted the mauve color to make the bricks stand out. 

We all went to the store to decide on a fabric. Levi and Clairana decided on the winner. 


Babysitting Night

We had a house full of little people and it reminded me of all the fun times we had in Arizona doing date night swap. 
I had offered to the Mitchell family to watch their three littles because they are due with number four anytime now and then Levi had offered to watch the Goodsell kids while they went out for Millie's birthday - it was a kid party on Saturday!

Clairana hosting a game for everyone.

Bella with Nora 
Piper and Cecily


Mom’s Night In

On Friday night I hosted all our homeschooling coop mamas at our house. 
It was SO much fun and lasted all night....maybe into the wee hours of morning. 
These are the families we get together with each week and have for years now.
Everyone brought snacks to share and we did a Yankee Swap - basically everyone brought their favorite thing as a gift and we answered questions to pick one from the pile. 

Such a fun night. I love our homeschooling tribe we are all so very close. 

Anne took pictures - thank goodness! 

Anne and I taking a selfie!
I love her so much. They just welcomed number six so her little one came along to be loved on by all.

Dennise, Denae, Alyssa, and Erin

Erin, Millie, Lauren, April, Tiffany