Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hunting Life

Nephi had heard Levi talking about Opening Day for Hunting Season and ..... he woke up around 4 in the morning and slept outside our bedroom door to make sure not to miss Levi leaving. 
Levi set up a hunting blind (camo like tent) and had been taking the kids out in the evening to sit and watch the deer and give me a break from everyone. 

 Levi said he was amazed they even saw deer because someone was full of excitement and questions.

But they DID.... they saw several and we still see several deer everyday since. Good thing because the girls were worried they would all leave after the boys shot one.

How blessed they are to be able to walk to their hunting site! Made it easier for Levi and I to say he could go.... We just said if you get cold or grouchy you have to walk back home. 

I guess we have to get a smoker now to make some jerky! I don't know whose dream came true more - Levi or Nephi's? 

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