Sunday, November 11, 2018

Cecily's Name

I have been asked where did I come up with the idea of Cecily. 
I read this book while pregnant and I thought about it....then Levi was not a big fan he was stuck on Catrina. Then I met a homeschooling family that had a little girl named Cecily and it started to grow on me. Although it is not common (not that any of our names are...) I do really love the name. 

The grandparents left this morning for Florida - they spent part of their day with us yesterday and I wanted to make sure and get at least one photo with Cecily because by the time they get back in the Spring she will be so much different. 
We will miss them greatly. 

Mamaw with Cecily

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!! I was going to tell you that her name makes me think of a play and ask if you had read it. That's great!


Clairana's Photos