Monday, October 30, 2017

Visit with Landon!

Last week, we were just sitting down to dinner and the phone rang....
It was a guy who has been out of the country working for Save the Children International and Rapid Response Team for several years. He would be back in Indiana for a few days and wanted to meet all our littles for dinner. 
Landon Newby is Levi's childhood best friend and after college and serving a mission he took off to travel the world and go into places that have been devastated by natural disasters or war and rebuild. He is currently working in Panama until at least next Spring. 
Levi joked and said Dee thinks of him like the Savior but maybe with a lowercase s. 

Now to plan a trip for Levi to go to Panama! 
I said to Landon if he comes to visit best let him bring me home a little orphan baby! 

Levi's childhood best friend - Landon Newby
I got everyone ready for dinner and we were waiting on Levi to get home before leaving....
So, I attempted some pictures of all the littles....

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