Monday, October 9, 2017

My Current Readers - Completed

I just finished reading these two gems and wanted to share my review and also for my own memory. 
I greatly love that I find time to set aside and let my children see me enjoy great books. 

The Year of Learning Dangerously
This is about Homeschooling and a woman who ventures out to figure out if she can do it and what all different types of homeschoolers there are.....which is A LOT.
Super Funny.
Favorite Lines: 
Pg 10 - I was highly anxious about my own qualifications to educate my kid - and rightfully so. Sure, I had run my mouth to friends and family about how we might try this homeschool thing at some point down the line, but that came from the same part of my brain that believes if the pilot dies and I take over the controls, I can land a jumbo jet. It's a fun fantasy, but the reality of either scenario conjures up outcomes that trouble the imagination. 
Pg 13 - I was greedy. I wanted her to stretch her mind and her self-confidence, but I also wanted her to play with friends, read great books, listen to music and glaze over with the pleasant boredom of a long afternoon with no place to be and nothing to do. 

These is my Words 
Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901
This book was AMAZING. AMAZING. It makes me so very grateful for this life I have when I listen to the struggles of people before just to survive. 
Book is about her journey in the Arizona Territories and finding her place in the world. Quakers.

Just thinking about the book makes me want to read it again.

Favorite Lines:
Pg 3 - She says a move is a time for lightening your load and starting things new. 
Pg 17 - I am not sorry, but this has hurt my heart and spirit more than all the other trials, for being forsaken is worse than being killed. (She killed two Indians who had attacked her and her sisters....)
Pg 24 - Our axles don't match but our wheels are turning.
Pg 29 - When I bed down I hear her (her mother) praying in the dark. It is a good old familiar sound, and as I write this just before I go off to sleep, I think Mama is back with us. (Her mother had lost her mind after losing her husband and her youngest child)
I want that to be a familiar sound for my children. Great Reminder.

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