Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Trunk or Treat - Church Style

Trunk or Treat at Church!

I ordered everyone's outfits online about three weeks ago.... but I was still waiting on Coraline's and Cabella's costumes to come in the mail. I kept receiving emails that it was delayed but I thought nothing of it because our party was so far out.  

So, after I got the last notification saying they would be here on the morning of the party I thought perfect. Then at 4:00, I got another notification saying not till the next day.

Impromptu outfits - CHEERLEADERS. Purdue and IU - Divided House.  

Clairana wanted to be someone dressed as The Day of the Dead.
She picked this costume several months ago.
Ironically enough we got a text from Levi's mom and her and Destry ended up dressing up as this too!

Levi picked my costume up at the store - how wonderful. A Taco. He says this is him eating me....hahahaa. DORK.

Full credit to Levi for make-up

Batman - Year 2 with new mask. Thanks for keeping it humble buddy!

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 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...