Monday, May 23, 2022

KLASS field day

Every year as a member of KLASS you have to host one event. It is really just a group of homeschoolers that get together every month to go on a field trip. The group has grown so much that now we have other mamas assigned with us to help! Carly, Amanda, and I all were assigned to create a field day. We chose one of the new parks in Shadeland which is AMAZING. 

It was built to honor a guy we went to school with who passed away a couple years ago at the age of 32.
We played kickball, soccer, basketball, long jump, tug a war, corn hole, three-legged race....and a few others I am forgetting right now.
Then most sat around for a picnic lunch, but we bolted off to Arnis for lunch.
Thanks for Carly for all the pictures!

 Long Jump!




 Passing out Popsicles!

 Clairana even took over the craft job and showed everyone how to make dream catchers. 


 Tug a War!

Chalk Time with the Littlest - Cecily and Emily.

No pictures of the kickball game because Carly and I were too busy attempting to beat Levi's team. 
We were pretty amazing to say the least. 


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