Tuesday, May 3, 2022


We had morning time at home, church, and off to my mom and Randy's for an egg hunt.
Levi's mom and Destry so nicely sent the kids all Easter surprises so we had plenty to make the morning special. I got Levi a few things as well that I knew he wouldn't get for himself. 

The night before.....actually wee morning before. 

Instead of all Easter or Spring books I picked out books for the olders that they have been wanting. Clairana is on book 15 of a series and it came out right before Easter she was so excited. Clairana also got a tie dye dress that she loves and secretly picked out herself to make my life easier. 

Nephi got the Harry Potter baking book. 

Cecily got wipes because she loves to waste them on cleaning everything.

Candy and Cookies and Chips....

New Twin Dresses for Coraline and Bella. They LOVE to match these days.

She figured out this hunting eggs thing.


Clairana hunting eggs.

Big Dogs. 


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Nephi Camp

I didn't get any pictures from Nephi's camp this summer but I did see these on the bulletin board in the hallway this week at church...