Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Loads of kittens - Last year I had requested a female kitten from a friend and was so excited because it took forever to find one that was not spade. I wanted the kids to experience kittens at least once. Just so happened that the week I was to pick her up Levi came home with two other females he found. 
So now a year later we have lots of kittens! Three mamas birthed within the same week. 
We had a mama of 4, 5, 3 (we did lose one little one)  
I plan to spay two of the mamas but let one stay as long as we can find homes for these little ones. 
Of all the baby farm animals they seem to take care of themselves. If I could just get my seven-year-old and toddler to leave them alone. Coraline said all her dreams have come true now. 

I am sure more pictures to come once they can move around and be outside. Of course they didn't birth in the cat barn we created for them with cedar chips and beds. They birthed in a closet in the barn on top of old curtains.


Monday, May 23, 2022

KLASS field day

Every year as a member of KLASS you have to host one event. It is really just a group of homeschoolers that get together every month to go on a field trip. The group has grown so much that now we have other mamas assigned with us to help! Carly, Amanda, and I all were assigned to create a field day. We chose one of the new parks in Shadeland which is AMAZING. 

It was built to honor a guy we went to school with who passed away a couple years ago at the age of 32.
We played kickball, soccer, basketball, long jump, tug a war, corn hole, three-legged race....and a few others I am forgetting right now.
Then most sat around for a picnic lunch, but we bolted off to Arnis for lunch.
Thanks for Carly for all the pictures!

 Long Jump!




 Passing out Popsicles!

 Clairana even took over the craft job and showed everyone how to make dream catchers. 


 Tug a War!

Chalk Time with the Littlest - Cecily and Emily.

No pictures of the kickball game because Carly and I were too busy attempting to beat Levi's team. 
We were pretty amazing to say the least. 


Backyard Fun!


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mitchell Family Visit

Playing in the Creek! 
I keep trying to upload the picture of Austin and Levi on the 4wheeler, but it isn't working. Guess they lucked out.


Purdue Food Science

For our monthly 4H activity we were invited to go see Purdue's Food Science area. It went over so well, and I am glad we went. We got to test out different ice cream and carbonated water. 
We also were able to see their lab and learn what a degree in Food Science is like. 

We had to test the product and see what flavor we thought it was and it was much harder than we thought! 

Nestled in a small corner of the Philip E. Nelson Hall of Food Science’s basement is a beautifully furnished cave-shaped room best described as a wine cellar. The Richard P. Vine Enology Library, as it’s officially called, was established in 1998 using a donation from the Bronco Wine Company in Ceres, California. Fred Franzia, the vintner’s CEO, wanted the Indiana Wine Grape Council to use the library to promote wine education, says Jill Blume, enology specialist for the Department of Food Science.

The library contains about 2,000 bottles of wine, most of which were collected by the library’s namesake, who is a professor emeritus of food science and a friend of Franzia. Purdue’s first enologist, Vine received the wine during the 1990s while he served as the wine consultant for American Airlines. During the 21 years he held that position, Vine traveled the world visiting wineries and sampling wine.

The library also contains Vine’s collection of more than 1,000 books about wine and wine making. One highlight is an 1826 printing of a book titled The Vine Dresser, signed by author John James Dufour, a prominent Indiana winemaker during that time period.

The library’s primary purpose is to engage its visitors and to deliver the latest scientific and promotional wine-grape information. “The library’s wine comes from wineries across Indiana as well as from places in France, Italy, Spain, South America, and a host of others,” Blume says. “We want those who visit the library to get a great sense of the wines’ international origins as well as to experience the kind of wine produced in our own state.”



Friday, May 20, 2022

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day was pretty low key we went to church and then did chores around the farm. The weather was wonderful, and Levi made huge salads for dinner which was perfect.
Levi got me a pot of flowers in a watering can, and we took my mom over flowers to plant in her yard. 

Happy Mother's Day! 

 So Sweet. 




Thursday, May 19, 2022

Summer is Coming!



Just a little table sitting while dressing herself. Stripes and Hats must be the new fashion. 


Shades State Park!

Adventure Group! 
7 mamas arrived at Shades State Park for a day of hiking!

Alyssa turned around just at the right time.

We made Charles the leader of the pack and no one could pass him which was lovely.

 Hiking up the stairs with Bella, Lyla, and Cecily.

 Emma and Cecily

Lots of Little Girls....

Carly and Millie with Sonnet and Emily.

 Amy (Millie's sister-in-law) joined us too! They just moved to Indianapolis.

 The Crew!

 Clairana and Sonnet

Lyla and Bella