Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Soccer Season!

This was our first practice/game of soccer. We prayed about whether or not to play soccer this year but we ended up with the decision of putting Nephi and Clairana on the same team and Coraline and Cabella on the same team to limit our exposure. 
I also reached out to our church/homeschooling friends and I believe both teams have all but one family we don't know. 

It was SO nice to do something normal again. 
I also stepped out of my comfort zone and actually signed up to coach the little girls team. 
I have watched soccer for years and watched Levi coach but I was still nervous to make sure and read up on the game. 

Then we got our rosters for the games and they listed me as the assistant and added Levi as the head coach even though we didn't sign him up to coach their team at all.......

It will probably work out for the best and I will learn right next to him this year and maybe next year be on my own. 
Two coaches is needed for the little teams because several of them were scared of the ball and what to do. 

My SIL Emily showed up with her three girls and Mamaw and Papaw came to watch as well. It is always so warming to see special visitors to come watch the kids play. 

We are not a sport family and frankly I don't know if we ever will be because of the time commitment but we do enjoy 7 weeks of Saturdays at the field. 

All The Girls. Emily was holding both the babies most of C & N's game. So Sweet. 

Levi also has a great friend we go to church with assistant coaching the olders with him. It is so nice for both teams to have two set coaches. 

Mamaw & Papaw Love!! These people are amazing and we are so thankful for them and that they come to everything for our kids. Obviously they are around a lot my brother's children are completely comfortable climbing on their laps. 

Jane took these pictures which I was so thankful for because it shows life right now and I am normally always behind the camera. 
Bella's first year playing. 

Filling up water bottles. 

Coraline seems to already have grown lots since two years ago when Levi had to hold her hand every game. 

Bella on the ground - she may be one of those kids. She played hard. It was so fun to watch and she was tired when we got home which is not like her. 

Bella in the back. 

Clairana played goalie - we didn't have a shirt so the team used mine. It smelled LOVELY afterwards. 
Nephi on the far side. 

I will take better pictures next weekend now that we have a slight routine. 


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