Friday, August 28, 2020

Classical Conversations - Homeschooling Year SIX!

We had our first coop day! We love being back with everyone. I also love the idea of the kids only being exposed to a handful of families during this crazy time. We do have one new family that moved from a CC community in another state. It is the best. Classes are small - mine only has five and two are Coraline and Cabella. We will meet on Thursdays this week and we switched locations which means less people will be in our building throughout the week which is another great benefit. 
We also get the blessing of a bigger building! 
I LOVE our homeschooling tribe and do not feel like the kids are missing out on anything but rather they get to have such strong connections with a handful of families and we all get to know each-other not just the kids in a classroom. All the families have been over to our house. 

Clairana has an all girl class. We have homeschooled with these families for years now so they have become such great friends. I don't see Clairana or Nephi besides in passing for a few hours so pictures are sent from their teachers or other mamas and it is such a blessing to see them having such a great time. Plus I LOVE that they learn once a week from someone else. 

Tin Whistle Lessons Outside. 

They had a cute little photo spot set up for the first day back. 

Cecily didn't make it the whole time. 

Our favorite nursery workers are back again this year! We LOVE the grandmas that volunteer year after year. Makes me feel so much better. 

Our FIRST ESSENTIALS Class. It was SO great to be just with Clairana and learn all about the English language. I am going to enjoy this year so much. Nephi will join in on this class next year. 
Thankful for Levi who made it a priority this year to come pick up all the others for two hours in the afternoon while I spend this time with C. 

Nephi's Class!


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