Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Nephi Baptism

Nephi was baptized! On Sunday, we had grandparents and two church families join us for a small baptism in the Wildcat Creek on Jack and Jane's property. 
Nephi had asked last year to be baptized in the creek and we were waiting on church approval and the weather to get warmer. 

Then the virus hit and we were limited to the number of people we could have and a few other specific guidelines we needed to follow. 
So we waited and waited. Until about a month ago we asked Nephi if he would like to get baptized with a small group of people and something short and sweet in the creek. We explained to him all the restrictions and he wanted to do it now rather than keep waiting. He also said how excited he was not to have very many people because he was nervous at Clairana's baptism. (Worked out perfectly)

In the LDS church children are baptized at the age of 8 in which they are accountable for their own sins. Nephi turned 8 last December. 

These are the cards I made to send out to all the family and friends who were not invited to join us. 

Clairana wanted to wear her baptism dress on Nephi's special day. 

Levi was the one to baptize Nephi.
Levi holds the Melchizedek Priesthood.
When Nephi was baptized Levi held his arm to the square and stated 
"Nephi Joe Evans having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost."
Then he dunks him under water just as John the Baptist did to Jesus. 

Nephi got a new watch from Mamaw and Papaw for his special day.
We have since heard how many seconds it takes us to do everything. 

After coaching on Saturday they then performed the baptism together on Sunday.
Jonathon Goodsell is also a bishopric member for another ward in the area. 
We homeschool with their family and their children are the same ages as Clairana and Nephi.
Jonathon conducted/presided for the meeting and Sister Millie Goodsell was the chorister. 

Millie & I thought we should get our picture taken together too!
We met the Goodsell's when Nephi and Jeremy were babies in nursery together at church and Levi and I managed the nursery as our calling. 
Then we got to know each other more when we both ended up in the same marriage counseling classes that same year. 

Kruger family - when Nephi wanted to choose another family to come he immediately said their family. They have eight children and all have adorable red hair. 
Their older children are the best teens I have ever met. 
Levi is also in the bishoric with Byron the father. 
Kari is a nurse and a family history expert. If you need to know anything about family history/ancestry she is the person to ask. She actually was the nurse in Salt Lake City for the Prophet and Apostles.

Jeremy and Nephi walking to the creek. 

Brighten and Bella 

Kelly and Reni were there and got Nephi a beautiful framed picture of Jesus and the Lamb. 
Reni also printed out these for the kids to color as an activity. 

Mom & Randy came as well but I didn't snag their picture - they were able to stay in the car and drive up to the baptism site. 

Nephi chose the hymns - When I Am Baptized & Baptism
He also had Clairana give the opening prayer and Coraline give the closing prayer
We did not do any talks. 
We did have s'mores around the fire afterwards. 


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