Sunday, August 23, 2020

Everlasting Trust - Talk for Church 8.16.20

I was assigned to speak last week at church by Levi. My topic was Everlasting Trust. Here is what I wrote out to prepare.  

Everlasting Trust

When we look in the scriptures we find such great examples of everlasting trust.

My first thought of everlasting trust in the Lord was from the scriptures and the story of Joseph – Joseph was favored by his father which led his to be sold as a slave to Egypt by his own brothers. Then he was put into prison for years for something he did not do. Joseph as well as so many others in the scriptures or even our pioneer ancestors have had everlasting trust in the Lord. Trust in better days. Trust in tomorrow. Trust in eternal life. Trust in the gospel.

I am a convert to the church and I actually remember exactly when I not only gained my own testimony but when I decided to completely trust in the Lord. When I remember getting on my knees and giving it all to him I unfortunately was not an 8 year old I was an adult. Trust that God is still at work.

My relationship with my heavenly father began to grow because my efforts and reactions began to change and trust in him, his plan, and prayer rather than my own emotions.

Trust can be hard. Trust in your relationships – all relationships – spouse, child, parent, friends. Sometimes someone’s trust is stated or shown and sometimes it is on a bathroom floor over tears and prayer.

This topic has been perfect for me to ponder this past week. We have had such great highs and lows the past few days. Nephi our only son was baptized in the Wildcat creek on our property. Seeing a youth baptism and feeling the spirit and the excitement of a new beginning and an advancement of life is so reassuring for all of us to witness and remember our own covenants. Learning and relearning to trust in the promises we have made.

Such loss has also been suffered this past week as well and watching how painful it has to be for others is so very difficult. More amazing to me is the strength and knowledge of others who know the gospel is true and know that Heavenly Father is in control and his will will be done. We Understand. 

This is not our forever home and to watch from the sidelines of these amazing friends who are faithful saints and grief for them makes me a stronger person.

Elder L. Tom Perry said in 1978

When one follows the course marked by the road signs of the gospel of Jesus Christ and places his trust in the Lord, its influences is such that it manifest not only in action and deed but by a marked and visible change in his very being. There is a special light and a spirit which radiates from his eternal soul. It can be described in words like brightness, light, joy, happiness, peace, purity, contentment, spirit, enthusiasm etc.

Brigham Young has said, “The person who enjoys the experience of the knowledge of the Kingdom of God on the earth, and at the same time has the love of God within him, is the happiest of any individuals on the earth.

Clairana is our oldest daughter and she and I pass back and forth a journal. Once she has completed her portion of the journal she will lay it on my bed for me to write back. The journal has prompts and this week the question was “One of the best things I have ever done is and why was it so great”

 I wrote the best things I have ever done in this life are to join the church and learn really learn and study the gospel for myself, marry a Christ like man who loves the Lord and provides service, and to have children. I explained to her that your path in life will be made easier with more blessings from living the gospel and marrying someone who does the same. It will be easier. When looking at life from a child who was not raised fully in the gospel to my life now that we as a family live the gospel and learn/pray together everyday multiple times a day. It takes great effort but it is the best effort.  The gospel provides the answers and guides us together.

Testimony.  I trust in what is to come. I trust in knowing that the next life is so much better than where we are now and I look forward to those days and I tell my children that I look forward to those days. I trust knowing that I will have my children and spouse with me forever. And that is the most important. I trust in Heavenly Father and will continue to be his willing servant.  

Levi's dad gifted Nephi this tie tack at his baptism. I took this to send it to him to say thank you. 

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