Sunday, March 29, 2020

Fasting for Relief

Today, Levi and I as well as Clairana and Nephi are fasting. The prophet asked us to fast for specific purpose today and we are combining our prayers with others around the world for all the health care workers and for all those suffering that our world may be healed. 

We will give the money that we would have used on food today or what we feel is appropriate for our family to support the case. 

We are in the middle of our fast right now. We will fast for 24 hours. 
Clairana and Nephi are doing amazing and I am so very proud of them and the example they are setting. We will end our fast tonight over dinner with heart felt prayers. 

The last time the church addressed a specific need of a fast was for famine victims in Ethiopia...

 Latter-day Saints in the United States and Canada participate in a special fast on January 27, 1985. All donations from that day would then be dedicated toward assisting famine victims.
The response was overwhelming. In fact, Church members donated an astonishing $6.4 million on that single day.
**As a church we fast for 24 hours on the first Sunday of every month but never for a specific worldwide need. Most times we fast for our own personal families or those very close to us and then during our church meetings we bear our testimony of the gospel. 

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