Saturday, March 14, 2020

CC Life

Our last two weeks of CC have been great and Cecily now happily leaves me for nursery. Bella is a rockstar big sister to her. Coraline and I get lots of bonding time together. Clairana and Nephi get to learn from someone else and watch their independence take off. 

Right now we are waiting to see if we will finish the year on our normal schedule due to the virus. 
We only have three weeks left to meet.

Lydia, Coraline, & Emma
Bridge Building and Testing for Weight

Micah, Liam, Alyssa (Liam's mama) & Felicity
ooh and Coraline peeking in the back. 

Trying to keep new memory work exciting. 

Latin Learning with Puppets and Marching

Clairana's presentation

She is a natural at speaking and giving instructions on how to do something.

Sums up my class pretty well - Coraline all giggles, Temi is crazy and my love for him is crazy, and Micah is sweet and gentle.

Building Towers
Nephi and Jeremy building a tower to see who could build the tallest one.

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