Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Life Around Here

Spring is Coming! The past few days it has been beautiful! 
Since our little get away our life has been a hectic again but most of it is full of fun times.

Levi worked all weekend so the kids and I tried to squeeze in time with him by visiting the restaurant and meeting him for lunch at East End. Which ended up being paid for so that was an extra special treat. 

I took the kids to church by myself on Sunday. The 1st Sunday of every month is Fast and Testimony meeting so whomever would like to bear their testimony is about to. 
Clairana bore her testimony about gathering Israel and spreading the gospel to everyone and how she knows that Heavenly Father loves her. 
I followed and bore mine about how much of a challenge and blessing it has been to have Levi in the bishopric and how grateful I am for all the love our ward shows our family. As my girlfriend, Millie, came by our pew and picked Cecily up and took her out in the hallway till I was done speaking. 

Then Clairana gave a talk in Primary. After church Clairana, Nephi and Coraline had to practice a song they are singing in Sacrament meeting in a few weeks. Phheww then we headed home. 

Things that we have been doing:

Sunday Night - Game Night I attempted to invite my brothers but they were busy but Mom and Randy came over which was really fun for everyone. 

Monday - We hosted dinner with the Smith Family

Tuesday - Having the Miller family over for a playdate to meet their new little girl. 

Wednesday - CC and Church activities for Clairana and Nephi and Levi will have church meetings till late late. 

Thursday - Dropping dinner for a family at church that just had a baby. 
Bishop and his family are coming for dinner and to learn about bees. 

Friday - Kids have their monthly book club. Coraline will miss because she has a dentist appointment. 
MY FAVORITE QUARTERLY NIGHT. Dinner with my homeschooling girlfriends and the library book sale. 

Hopefully, Levi will have the weekend off because we also got a tree cut down right next to our house that was hit by lighting twice and well its a mess in the yard. 

It is supposed to be 65 this weekend so we will be doing all things outside after church!

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