Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Cecily Edithe Check Up

BMI - 14.31
Weight - 15 lb 3 oz (13th percentile)
Height - 27.33" (64th percentile)

Cecily is doing great, growing and developing just fine. 
We have two slight concerns but we will wait to see about action for a little while.
We did decline the Rotavirus vaccination for Cecily after having such an extreme reaction to the vaccination during her last visit. 
This was also advised by our two pediatricians. But as my pediatrician said when I walked in this time.... "I know. I know. Put your guns down. You don't have to fight me over your decision, I agree."
I made sure Levi was on stand by so in case I needed him for her appointment, I guess I didn't. 

We have an online (MD Live) pediatrician and one here in West Lafayette. 
She has one full tooth and one that has been trying to come through for months. 

So blessed to have five growing healthy babies in this house!

Now if we could just concur 4h projects we will be golden for now....

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