Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Final Christmas Catch Up

CHRISTMAS Catch Up from Levi's Phone......

Ashby Christmas at my brother's house. 
Christmas Morning at Our House
Christmas at my mom's on Christmas Eve 

We got the girls a puppet stage with puppets 

Nick and Emily got our kids an bad mitten outdoor activity station! More to do outside!

New Cousins! Eden & Cecily 

Grandpa Rick with Everyone (except C who took the picture ....sorta)

All the grandkids with Grandpa 

Christmas Morning!

Our Christmas gift to Clairana - her own scriptures with her name...they are beautiful.

Bell family got the kids a zipline! HUGE HIT!

I didn't end up getting my own pictures from my mom's house on Christmas Eve so she gave me hers.
Uncle Dustin with his two boys and Coraline

All the little girls waiting for Uncle Nick to pass out presents!

Uncle Tanner & Aunt Bailey!

Aunt Emily with Eden


Bella Lou and her favorite toy!
WOW. It's now February and I am caught up from the holidays! Sorry everyone. Busy time I guess. 
Better next year! 

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