Friday, February 1, 2019

Book Club - The Christmas Doll

 Book Club for the Littles! 

This month we did The Christmas Doll which the kids and I read last year but it is SO good that we loved it again.

I am excited for my nieces to get old enough to treasure this one too. 

It is always interesting what little parts the kids pick up on the second time around.  

This book is about orphans who end up finding a doll is such an emotional but sweet story.

I actually collected 'breakable dolls' when I was little and so my mom saved them for me and I un-boxed them for the event. 
The kids were excited to look at all of them. 

Plum Pudding for dessert! They ate this at the very end of the book -
I never would have guessed it to be so difficult to make!

Craft Time!

Our CC director, Denae, with Cecily

Lyla & Cabella 

Coraline's favorite doll

Paper Dolls! 

Nephi's paper doll

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