Monday, February 4, 2019

Christmas Art & Cards

 Clairana & Nephi took a weekly art class throughout December and these are the gems they ended up with! 

Christmas Cards!

I did not get a card out this year and honestly I don't think I have missed sending out cards once since Levi & I were married 13 years ago!
I told myself I wasn't going to stress over it even before Cecily was born.

We normally send out over a 100 so it is a task each year!
Next Year Everyone, I Promise!
I LOVE getting them from all the people we used to live close to.

Here are the ones we got this year!

Wright Family & Harrington Family - we go to church with both of them here in Indiana

Family Ones! Rice Family (Levi's side) & Bell Family (our FAVS in AZ aka Levi's sister and her little family)

Lake Havasu Friends! Nelson Family, Mooneyham Family & Vanderjagt Family

Washington Friends! Dement Family, Cosler Family & Jensen Family

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