Friday, February 1, 2019

New Years Eve!

It has been a crazy week of weather here in Indiana - we had a polar vortex...
We had our internet/television go down but everything else in the house is working properly with these crazy negative temperatures. 
The kids and I have not left the house in almost a week. 
Which amazingly enough we do not have cabin fever but we have baked and started lots of projects. 

New Years Eve Events

Levi took the big kids to an NYE party which they watched the ball drop on Netflix so they were home by 8. 
Then we got a call from the Smith family to come join them for a swim so of course we did! 
We did this last year too, they always get a hotel room for the night and we get to reap the benefits of coming to swim for a couple hours. Such a fun family time! 

Clairana and Nephi - Pros. It is SO nice to have two kids that are such great swimmers!

Coraline with Levi and the crazy Bella Lou in the background - Bella likes to jump in over and over and over again.....

Cecily and I were getting a little tired..... She likes to go to bed early and hang out at 2 in the morning!

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