Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Riley Hospital for Cabella

We had our yearly (a little late) hip appointment for Cabella at Riley Hopsital.
Dr. Loder said everything looked amazing and you would have never known. YES!!!
He would like to see her back in THREE years!
What a beautiful blessing. 
After having Cabella I struggled with postpartum which I have never had before...yes the stress of a newborn but a newborn with a physical disability was very different- we had to travel to Phoenix which was a three hour trip from our house in Arizona and we had no family close by to help with this hard journey and Levi's work was awful...yep awful I said it. 

So sad that on one occasion, Levi did a conference call in the children's hospital waiting room and got threatened his job because a child (not one of ours but a child in a wheelchair waiting to see our same Ortho) was talking/crying in the background. 

On another occasion he missed our appointment because he had to work and our ortho surgeon mentioned to Levi the next appointment that he should be more present with our family during this difficult time and not make his job a priority if he wanted his child to walk. Ouch. 

Hints why he no longer works for that company. 
We would travel three hours to watch 'the best of the best' adjust a few straps and send us on our way for another week. 
This seemed so ridiculous to Levi and I and we often contemplated adjusting the straps ourselves, Skyping with the Dr, taking it off just for a bath....but we never did. She wore that full body brace for 14 weeks (which seems such a short time now but then it was SO long.)
 Her doctor told us in the very beginning he was the strictest with using the brace and he said if you follow exactly what I say she won't need surgery. He was Right. I am SO glad we listened. 


Look at Cecily Smiling!!

Then after our trip to the hospital we went to dinner and then we had set up an appointment to drive the NV Passenger Van. It holds 12 people and was amazing...expensive but amazing. 
We will probably ponder the idea for a LONG time. 
It is easier to car shop now that we have so many little people are options are very limited. 
Which isn't a bad thing to resist temptations! 

We only had the three little girls with us on the trip - Clairana and Nephi got to stay with Aunt Woody which made things easier and I am sure more entertaining for them. 

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