Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Homeschool Coop Again

We took a few weeks off from life to stay home and not get any germs.
I had forewarned all the kids that when Cecily arrived we would be at home for a few weeks with no plans. Amazingly enough they did not complain and I never heard them say they were bored. 
We attempted our homeschooling coop with Aunt Woody volunteering to come along to help which was great plus she got to see the kids play with crayfish as their science project. 
We have two more weeks then we will be off till mid January which I am looking forward to! 

Everyone did great but all were tired including me afterwards! 

Christmas Tree!

The Christmas Season is HERE! 
We tried to squeeze a few Christmas traditions earlier on this year. Including getting the tree and hanging up stockings! 

This is how we get a tree - three littles were out for a minute and that was it. 

Cecily Edithe

Poor Little Tree....


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hunting Life

Nephi had heard Levi talking about Opening Day for Hunting Season and ..... he woke up around 4 in the morning and slept outside our bedroom door to make sure not to miss Levi leaving. 
Levi set up a hunting blind (camo like tent) and had been taking the kids out in the evening to sit and watch the deer and give me a break from everyone. 

 Levi said he was amazed they even saw deer because someone was full of excitement and questions.

But they DID.... they saw several and we still see several deer everyday since. Good thing because the girls were worried they would all leave after the boys shot one.

How blessed they are to be able to walk to their hunting site! Made it easier for Levi and I to say he could go.... We just said if you get cold or grouchy you have to walk back home. 

I guess we have to get a smoker now to make some jerky! I don't know whose dream came true more - Levi or Nephi's? 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

We tried out a new pumpkin patch this year. It is a little drive but it was nice to support a smaller business and a local family. We got lots of pumpkins to add to our pumpkin patch and they were MUCH cheaper than other places. 

** Later Post - I was waiting on photos from a Mr. Evans.....

How NEAT! They did Pumpkin Molds. We MUST try this next year.

Everyone JUMP! .... Nope not really.

OK Smile Then. 

Sunflower Field

My LAST Photo with NUMBER FIVE in the BELLY!
I wanted to document that in this picture you will see ALL FIVE of my LITTLES OVERDUE.

It is really crazy seems when Levi and I started out on this baby journey it took almost three years to have Clairana and after a procedure when we were first married they said I would likely have a hard time getting pregnant and carrying my babies to term.

NOPE. Look at all these 42 or 43 weekers! 

Turkey Time!

We butchered the turkeys! Thank goodness. They were getting BIG. I also wanted them to leave my poor chickens alone. 

The kids did not even seem to care, I think they have gotten used to this whole process. Levi loaded them up and took them out to his friend Elliot's farm because he is more set - up for butchering. 

We gave one to Elliot's family for helping us and cooked this one to share with Jack and Jane before they left for Florida. It was AMAZING. Another successful turkey year! 
The other one is still in the freezer and will cook it up later this year. 

Learning the Tin Whistle

In CC (Homeschooling coop) Clairana & Nephi get the chance to learn about lots of different instruments and how they work together with hopes to expose and inspire. They are currently learning the tin whistle.

They have also realized that they have quite an advantage seems they already know how to read music.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Cecily's Name

I have been asked where did I come up with the idea of Cecily. 
I read this book while pregnant and I thought about it....then Levi was not a big fan he was stuck on Catrina. Then I met a homeschooling family that had a little girl named Cecily and it started to grow on me. Although it is not common (not that any of our names are...) I do really love the name. 

The grandparents left this morning for Florida - they spent part of their day with us yesterday and I wanted to make sure and get at least one photo with Cecily because by the time they get back in the Spring she will be so much different. 
We will miss them greatly. 

Mamaw with Cecily

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Art Hub Late Night

Since the setting the clocks back and having a newborn our schedule has been a little off. 
Late night Art Hub lessons - Coraline is now starting to enjoy art just like Clairana. 

We stayed up late and watched a lesson online about drawing these little ladies while I nursed Cecily and attempted to draw along. 
I love these lessons they really help you actually make something and I always feel very fancy that I came up with something along side them.

Clairana's Girl - I am SO amazed at Clairana's imagination, talent and love with art. 

Coraline's Girl!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Dining Room Table!

Last summer the neighbor had a tree fall down and we decided to do the work and take it to the mill and let it dry out for 18 months....then Levi took about 4 weeks to complete this beautiful table! 

It will forever be in our dining room - I am in awwhh at how amazing it turned out! 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Cecily Edithe Has Arrived!

Number FIVE - Cecily Edithe Evans
I picked her first name and her middle name was a toss up between grandmother's middle names. 
Edith is from Levi's side of the family. His grandfather's mother was named Mabel Edith Evans.
She was born on Monday, October 29th 2018.
7 lbs 4 oz 21 inches long
Born 6:10 P.M.
Midwife at the Hospital
Her pregnancy will forever be remembered as the gymnast. 
She flipped breech to head down several times which was scaring to think after four births that I may end up with a planned cesarean.
She was scheduled for an induction on Monday morning at 7:00 (we have never had a scheduled induction although all have been late) instead my water broke around 4:00 in the morning so she did end up picking her time to arrive - I was SO excited. I was nervous to force my body to give birth. 
Worked. Out. Perfectly. 
I went to check in at the hospital at 7 I drove myself and Levi went to go drop off kids - with the idea that we would meet back at home to labor there. 
Then I never got to leave the hospital - BUMMER. 
I did end up on Pitocin to further her along mostly I think because I was at the hospital and couldn't get myself into full active labor - I had never labored at the hospital so it was strange. Its hard when you are surrounded by hospital staff and stuck in a room! 
I will never know why women choose to go labor at the hospital so early on. 
She was posterior meaning 'sunny side up' which made for back labor which I thankfully had never had before. I ended up getting an epidural around 5 cm and then Levi went to get food and they came in and checked me and said when dad gets back we will have a baby. 
She arrived shortly after. The epidural was a blessing to help my body relax and seemed to do the trick. 
We signed every waiver and begged to go home early - we ended up being discharged after 24 hrs which normally its 48-72 hrs. 
We are all home and resting and enjoying our caboose. Everyone wants to hold her all the time. 
Coraline and Clairana are completely in love and are amazed at every tiny sound or movement she makes. Cabella seems to enjoy me not hovering over her and letting her play with the big kids and has had no jealous which seems strange. Nephi is my most attentive - he is always watching the girls and making sure they are obeying the rules with the new addition - hand washing, no carrying, not touching her face....etc. 

This picture was right before we were discharged - wonder why they let us leave the hospital.....hahaha

Our first night. I promise I wasn't angry - still not photogenic after births. Don't know how some ladies do it while looking amazing. 

More to come when we get a routine. 
Levi has been home all week which is so great. 
I promised myself that I was going to enjoy this time and take it easy on my body and not rush doing anything. I have had too many births where he has went back to work the next day and it is honestly too much. 
I already feel like I am healing pretty fast. 
