Saturday, June 24, 2023

Swimming Lessons

 Swimming! It has been busy around here loading up every morning to have lessons and drop C & N off for the day at lifeguard training. 

Clairana and Nephi are signed up for another training but they let us know yesterday that instead of training next week they would like them to come work at the pool as lifeguards! They let us know that depending on what they do they will make between $15-$18 dollars an hour. 

They both passed and are now certified with the American Red Cross for two years. 

The little girls did great as well - Coraline and Cabella are moving up to another lesson and Cecily will stay at her same level for another year. We will be there next week as well. 

 Nephi and Clairana taught Cecily's class one day and she loved all the attention.

 Clairana and Nephi in their lifeguarding class. 

 At the end of the program they had to present what they had learned throughout the program and then show us a few different rescue methods. 

 Running the hill!


Practice Rescue
 Nephi on duty.


 Coraline's class - she is on the end.


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