Thursday, June 8, 2023

Around the House

We ordered a case of apples from Azure and Cecily was the sticker taker offer. She has not been feeling well this past week so it was nice to see her up and wanting to be part of something. 
 We have cherries! 

Nephi and Claire N. 
4H night - kickball in the park. 

 Clairana got a new fancy hair tool from Aunt Ashli.

 Levi practiced with the big kids on how to put up their tent because they both are off to camp without either of us this year! Bella jumped in just for the photo opportunity. 

 Every gift that came in the mail looked like this - all were excited to see what Clairana got!

 Clairana got a mini donut pan from Aunt Woody so we had to try it out!


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Back to it! Co-op

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